Saturday, January 7, 2017

I read my comments

Welcome to 2017.   I have nothing new to talk about, except that I read through my whole blog today.   I'm actually kind of sad right now because it's been such a long time since I've done anything horrible worth writing about.  I also read the comments on my blog.  I never have before.  Some of it is spam, obviously, and other comments are invitations to Jesus, but some of the rest are just priceless.  I've been missing out!  I guess this is one benefit of having a blog online for a few years:

"Amazed to read your blog ..............Funeral programs to
memorial programs are gaining popularity because they provide
grievers with another way of memorializing"

"My 10 year old cousin read this story in front of his mother while he was eating."

"I...I don't want to live on this earth any longer."

"Beautiful and inspiring! I have played with roaches in cunt and ass many times! we seem to have common ground here!"

"I don't usually advocate this kind of thing, but in some cases 'chemical castration' or some other libido-killing drug might make a world of difference for you"

"I've been waiting for a girl like you. I want to insert those maggots inside of you."

"this just turned me asexual."

"I had scabies once, caught it from a kitten outside... Nasty little buggers that come alive at night and bite the shit out of you. Learned my lesson, don't pick up stray kittens."

"you sick fuck, try and get some fucking help."

"I really hope you and your kind die in a firebomb. Sad thing is.. I wouldn't even know if it did happen."

"I masturbated to this"

"how is being chinese worse than being a rapist?"

"This is why ISIS bombs people."

"Blowfly, i will fuck maggots with you if want to do it togehter. Any Time"

"I'm glad that you're doing well. Please don't do any more of these things they sound dangerous xx"


  1. I honestly like hearing about your life like how you have been doing with your job and social life than I do with the perversions. I hope you can achieve happiness and know that you have someone rooting for you.

  2. You keep doing what you want. You are your own person. An awesome person.

  3. Hey, long time reader, first time commenter. Your stories and rants have always resonated with me, and you have taught me a lot about myself sexually and psychologically. I learned to accept that it's OK that I'm also such a self-depraving sexual deviant, and that times are also tough out of the bedroom (or dumpster) when it comes to finding the right person or even being motivated to pursue success. Always here for you, and available to talk anytime if you ever just feel down and out :)

  4. "How is being Chinese worse than being a racist?" Honestly the best thing I've read in a while, some of the threads of comments under these posts are gold. The content itself on this blog, well; it's unlike anything I've ever seen before. I'm intrigued, albeit disgusted at the same time. I hope 2017 treats you well. Though it certainly doesn't turn me on, it doesn't disgust me as much as I thought it would when my friend quoted a piece of your first maggot story.

  5. Really glad you are doing ok. I too like hearing about your life. I hope your cat is good. I love them. I have one too and he's getting older.

  6. Oh shit! I missed your post by like, a month.

    Well, I'm glad to see that you're still alive, because I do check this blog occasionally just to see. On the one hand, I'm happy that you seem to be doing better; but on the other hand, I'm sad that you don't have anything to write about either..

    Keep it up, though. C:

    1. And, like others have said before me, I actually really like hearing about the mundane details of your life.

  7. Out of curiosity, is this the Only sort of thing that gets you off? - Curious Commiserator

  8. I would do maggots with you anytime, too. And i have crazy thoughts like you. Nice to see a sign of life - I have been following you for years

  9. I discovered your 1st, now legendary, story just yesterday and I just wanted to tell you I found your writing skills are great, I'm not even an English native speaker but almost every post in your blog is able to make me "see" yourself doing your things either indulge in your fetishes or going out with a guy, you should really try to write a full book... Greetings from Italy (please do your best to watch out for your health, there's no need to die for a bunch of orgasms...)

  10. you're really damaged, but i guess it's better to deal with you thirsy of self destruction like that rather than actually killing yourself or others. that being said, i hope you get some help. i havent read a lot but you dont seem to be happy. and that euphoric feeling you perversions give you is you know, fleeting. that being said, i believe this is fiction, but still, yeah really gross, lol. you should find a guy as gross as you, and there's the internet, so yeah, go find him and be gross self hating and disgusting together.

  11. I read your blog today and first of all let me tell you that I'm not here to judge you or anything. I don't have the right to call you sick and I guess no one else does because whatever you did, you did ityourself, your own body, you didn't hurt anyone, didn't cause pain to anyone. It's just that I really don't under why you did that? Whenever I read such stuff, I wonder what types of mind we humans have? What are we capable of doing. I hope you are doing good in life. Hope you are healthy and fine. Take care. And please don't do anything that will led to death or make you suffer.

  12. Hi Blowfly girl, I recently came across your blog and I'm curious as to what happened after the events of your first maggot experience. You mention as the end that you went into hospital, but that was it. What happened when your parents found you? And what was your hospital experience like? I'm really curious as to how you could have survived that experience, and if you don't mind sharing i would be interested in hearing about what damage may have happened as a result and what the doctors reactions were. I can't stop thinking about what direction your life took after that, health wise and in terms of your relationship with your family. If you feel like writing an account of what happened after the events of the first story (you mention at the end the physical consequences you saw when you decided to look at what was going on 'down there' and you mention hospital and your parents finding you, but that's where it ends) I am sure lots of us would love to hear about it. I hope you are doing well by the way, and I think you should feel unashamed of your desires, as looking at these comments, there seems to be people who share your experiences and as long as you are happy and not hurting anyone, I don't see why you should feel bad. Sending you lots of love Xxx

  13. I love your ability to capture sensory details with the written word. You're so good at it that people have incredibly visceral responses. It's not even the content of your posts that repulses them, but the vividness of your imagery.

    You have inspired me to start writing again. I don't even care what you blog about subject-wise, just please keep writing!

  14. I wish there was some decent maggot porn out there that I could fap to, I couldnt find any, so had to make my own in photoshop. The combination of something sexy with something so hideous is so erotic.

    1. Actually there is... not even very good hidden. I‘m not into it but there definetily is some out there.

  15. Amazing. Glad you survived.

  16. I posted a whole lot of replies to that first maggot story, writing is my way to cope with my own emotions.

    You don't have to write worm porn to interest people and get attention, it will simply attract different people. If someone only cares about the porn, they're not much of a friend.

    Well, I'm glad you're alive. I saw pictures of dicks rotting off from gangrene, so... take care and I wish you well.

  17. I read this whole page before your story, and it didn't seem like the worse by comparison.

    "Doctors/nurses/redditors, what has been your most gory, disgusting or worst medical experience?"

    A drug addict injecting drugs between her vagina and ass got a huge infected abscess that poured out litters of rotten poop puss stench all over doctors, in their shoes, making nurses run out.

    A guy mistaking a huge gonorrhea ball for his lost jolly ranchers (used to cover up the stench of her vagina) and biting into it with a juicy pop feeling. The whore cheated on him.

    A senile obese woman who stole someone chips, dipped it in her dripping vagina juices, and ate them happily in front of a nurse.

    A family who abandoned their elderly mother in the basement, covered in her shit, with cockroaches in her vagina, and not because it aroused her.

    It's a mad house out there... at least you were just trying to make yourself happy without hurting anyone else in the process.

  18. Hate comments are the best. I am very confrontational myself. I am a big fan of yours & I assure you that I am no troll. After checking to see if anybody else had a maggot kink, I was brought to some normie's talking about you on Youtube. I am sick of these twerps reading these things I like & then saying apologies that amount to "well I never. How could anybody... Just makes me sick". Rather than an add for any project I plan to do, how would you like to read your story & give your thoughts online? If not, would you mind if I do? I am not just sympathetic to your kink, I'm also a memb... That joke fails. I masturbate with maggots occasionally myself. I would love to befriend like-minded people so just let me know if you are interested. If not, that is fine too. Loves, Yasmine.

  19. You really should post more than like once a year.

  20. Hi, thank you very much for sharing all your stories, this is so interesting u remind me of myself in some ways

  21. Hi honey, I hope you're doing well. I've found your blog yesterday and I'm simply addicted! We're so alike. I don't find you disgusting, totally the opposite, I wish that I could talk to you, befriend with you. It's creepy, I know, but for me your're precious just the way you are. Kisses from Brazil and stay safe XOXO <3

  22. Seriously it's October now. What's going on? How are you doing?

  23. i have many more maggot exsperiances hundreds of hours letting them eat my ass out crotch boiling with thousands of hungrey maggots feels awsome just remain still and they feed i get off and they keep eating starts to hurt . its best to relax if i try to move they get shook up and then it really hurts so i remain still . i like to tie myself down in recliner so i cant escape easy done this for 20 years

    1. I would really like to know if you‘ve had ever problems afterwards. I mean I ever thought (per instinct) that even touching maggots would make me sick and would be dangerous. But doing this stuff is a whole lot of levels above that lol so I as a „normie“ would really like ton know if it has some effects on you health.
      Stay clean :P

  24. every once in a while i tune in to your blog just to make sure youre alive and ok
    honestly hope youre well

  25. Please continue to update us and don't mind the haters.

  26. I too like hearing about the other parts of your life, not just the crazy ones. And not to get too mushy on you, but reading your "crazier" stories is one of the few things that make me feel better when my depression is at its worst and I feel like going out and doing something crazy myself just to "feel" something again. I wish you the best and I hope to see another update from you soon!

  27. I've been jerking off to this stuff since 2006 or 2007, so for almost half my life now. Thanks.

  28. Hope you are doing well. Not really into your paraphilias and sexual escapades, but I'm not here to judge. Thanks for sharing your stories my dear. You've made my life that much more interesting <3

  29. Here's the mirror of all of her Yahoo Diaries.

  30. God, I wish you had more maggot stories.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. You are amazing girl,Keep doing what you like.It was great to find you, You are brave to do that, As much as i like maggots i could never get to do what you do. Love and take care of yourself gurl 💕

  33. I really don‘t think that this is fake. And btw nobody finds it interesting or extraordinary that you are gay.

  34. When your mind is blown by that you know you‘re not open minded. Btw I‘m not one of the maggot kink lovers. In fact I really hate maggots per instinct lol

  35. Hope to hear from you soon

  36. no such thing as worth or wide or not, write infinitely any no matter what, any s ok.

  37. in4 Steve Aioki video comments

  38. I'm of the opinion that if you aren't hurting anyone people shouldn't judge you for your actions. But you're hurting yourself, and while I won't judge you or be nasty I truly hope you find help one day. I heard leeches if you get them captive bred are more sterile than maggots, maybe you can try them instead? You can raise them and it'll kinda be like you're their mom because you feed them from your own body. I wouldn't put too many in your vagina though, they have natural anticoagulant so you might bleed a lot. Probably start with one and see where it goes. I heard leeches are pretty neat to watch move too, and there's plenty of people who do leech therapy so you have an excuse for them as well. Be careful though, they're really good at escaping if you don't make sure the lid is tight on the jars you keep them in (they prefer still stagnant water unlike fish, never put a fish in a jar!!) They'll escape and die and you'd probably feel bad. I sincerely hope you are alive and well, and I hope that you consider counseling, it really helped me with my depression and tendancy to self harm (I sometimes get aroused if I cut myself and therapy helped me defer it to other things like drawing with red pen on myself instead)

    1. Also having pets can help with depression as well so maybe they'll help you with that too

  39. November 14th, 2019.
    Hi, i Just hear of your story today. I couldnt belive what i was hearing of my classmate, a girl Who puts maggots inside her vagina, i had top come here and ready It myself. Im so amazed, i Just finish Reading all of your stories and everything in this blowflygirl blog. And i don't know how to feel, You just had an impact in me i dont know how. Im from Mexico and i send you love and a hug and i reality Hope you find yourself, and find happines in what you love. Please update this Page im really courious of what is going on with you now. Greetings

  40. Your story is the most incrdible thing i've ever stumbled upon on the internet for about 10 yers now. I'm deeply impressd by it and share it with friends sometimes during "bizarre stories contests" and it allways wins. Wish you all the best and don't let the haters upset you <3

  41. Its nearly 2020 and I wonder where life took you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hello! I recently found your blog, as of 2020, and I've absolutely fallen in love with your stories and your story telling.
    I'd love to see what other stories you have or will have, and I'm sure other individuals would, too!
    I may not have the heart to do it myself, but this helps ease the fantasy a lil. :^>

  43. COME BAAAAAACK! OMG where are you???

  44. hi! you know vice made a documentary about your fetish? it's called formicophilia. apparently loads of people are into it now. look up "formicophilia" on for videos.

  45. Please come back, I hope youre ok

  46. Hey, hope you're doing well. I think about you a lot, ever since I've found this blog and read it.
    The way you describe your internal struggles of worthiness really touched me personally, you're an excellent writer and I hope one day you'll come back with new material. Whether it be grotesque or not, I don't care.

  47. 2020, and COVID-19 is happening. I wonder if you're okay during this.

  48. Replies
    1. Your god is weak. I'm alive and well.

      CHRISTIANISMUS:der religiöse Glaube, dass ein kosmischer Jude dich für immer leben lassen kann, wenn du symbolisch sein Fleisch isst und sein Blut trinkst und wenn du ihm telepathisch sagst, dass du ihn als deinen Meister akzeptierst und ihm sagst, dass es dir leid tut, was du getan hast wird eine Sünde oder eine böse Kraft oder einen bösen Gedanken aus Ihrer Seele entfernen, der in der Menschheit vorhanden ist, weil eine Frau, die aus den Rippen eines Schmutzmanns erschaffen wurde, von einer sprechenden Schlange überzeugt wurde (die wahre Form der Schlange ist eine zwittrige Kreatur mit einem Ziegenkopf mit den Flügeln einer Fledermaus mit dem Schwanz eines Reptils und mit Hufen,scharfe Zähne,scharfen Krallen), um einen magischen Apfel von einem magischen Baum zu essen.(Das ist sehr lächerlcih)

  49. Hey, are you OK? Come back. I just want to know if you're fine, I've read your stories back in 2016 I believe. Since then I've always wondered about you, you're a very peculiar person and I always hoped you would be more frequent or at least respond to comments.

    I truly hope youre doing good and recovering.

  50. I hope you're getting help, getting better is not a bad thing.

  51. Heard about this years ago now. Hope you're okay. It's 2020, we need an update. I don't really care about your sexual fantasies or whatever, I wanna hear about YOU. How you're doing, not all the shit you've done for sexual pleasure. Recovery is a good thing, you should consider it. As a mentally ill person to another, please get help. I've been seeking it for years now and now I've been given the help I need. You should too. Please, if you're alive, update us. I'll be waiting.

  52. hello, i hope you're doing well and is safe during all of the covid thing happening. wear a mask and make sure to be healthy!

  53. @Arron geh und fick dich mit EINEM KAKTUS

  54. well i havent been here in a while, my last comment is from like 2 years ago and it def wasnt sincere, not exactly surprising from middle school me. regardless, how u been doing, girl? hows the covid shit been affecting u? glad 2 see ur alive and well, just hope uve been continuing 2 stay healthy xoxo

  55. I will never understand internet, I guess I can see when you're 12 year old and seeing wack stuff for the first time and have immediate gut reaction of "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" but then to follow that with actual feath threats is just vile. By the by, hope you're still healthy and strong, well, as much as you can be in these trying times. peace B)

  56. Hi, Blowfly girl. I know you won't read this but, I hope you're okay. I hope everything is going well and you're staying healthy. We all have problems some more than others and I genuinely hope you're doing okay and found happiness.

  57. Hey there. Just wanted to let you know that I read all of your blog today and really enjoyed it. I used to live right by the fox valley mall so hearing about that was odd but it was nice to hear about your life and how much it has changed over the years. I hope you're doing well!

  58. hi, i know you probably won't read this, but i hope you're doing well. i know it's kinda strange, i'm a stranger and i just watched a video about you, but i'm cheering for you, i hope you're happy. you got this

  59. Hope all is well, enjoyed your story btw!

  60. Yo with how 2020 is going, could you give us an update? At least let us know you're okay <3

  61. I know that you're alive and well, considering you responded to a comment this year in July, but could you give us an update? I hope you're getting help and doing better now <3

  62. I got vaginitis the day after read your blog.. is it truly cursed?
    Or my body is desperately telling me stop reading this and stick to normal erotica...
    I'm not blaming you, it was interesting read. I hope you have a happy 2021.

  63. Thank you for writing these and your reply to the nasty comment in July of 2020. Your stories helped save me from committing suicide many times over the years.

    1. Such a shame you did not off yourself tbh, you would have done the world a favor

  64. Replies
    1. Honestly she should be put down unironically. Inferior "humans" like this are undesirable for society and even on a biological level.

  65. Botfly, if I write you a fantasy, would you read it and follow up with me? I want you so bad.

  66. Next time rinse and repeat. That is what I have done in the past and have had no problems.. only after I read your story.. thought about it many times but never had the nerve until you came along..

  67. Hi blow fly girl, you gave me such a trauma when I was kid as I stumbled onto your original post. Im glad to know you're alive and ... well?

  68. TBH though I was already into Parasite hentai way before reading your story but your story made me puke and laugh at the same time. It was epic.

  69. ... oh and I was most definitely horny too so it was a triple strike. SSS+

  70. Now is 2021. It is 4 years since last post here. Is this really the end? How sad...

  71. I remember reading the original story close to two decades ago while in my teens. It's strange to go through the blog and realize it wasn't just a fictional story. It was almost cathartic to read this contrasting 'story' about personal growth, and how time is changing us all. I'm glad you're no longer doing these things, though that isn't as criticism of what's happened. I'm not one to judge, especially if it hurts no one else. But I wish good health for everyone and I hope you've found peace in your current life.

    I think it would be worthwhile to write about any experience, however mundane you may see it. In a way, this story -- which is your story -- will forever be a part of internet history.

  72. Hope you are doing well. It would be nice to hear an update, but I suppose maybe you just don't have a lot to talk about. I was reading an interview with a guy that liked using maggots, it reminded me of you.

  73. coming back here after a few years, just thought about you suddenly. hope you feel a lot happier and more accepting of yourself currently. stay safe and healthy, blowfly girl.

  74. This place is literally an archive to one of most infamous copypasta shockers up there with the box.

  75. I genuinely hope you're doing okay now. I stumbled across your blog on a whim, and I've read every word of every post. Was it horrifying? Yeah. Am I scarred? Yeah. But did I enjoy reading about your life and you moving up in the world? Fuck yeah I did. I felt genuine happiness reading about you becoming a manager at the firm and when you got Ben, your cat. I have no idea where you are now, but I hope wherever you are you're still safe and maybe even happy. Also please tell me you didn't fuck Ben's corpse when he died. I know he was an old cat and probably dead by now and all I could think of was you letting it rot and doing stuff to it. Please, for the love of god, tell me you didn't. Anyway, your blog post about the new Dragon thing at your law firm was so different and cool. You sounded so different and almost happy? It was a big change from how you normally are. It really showed me how real of a person you might be (always a chance this could all be a hoax). You seem nice and I hope you've made friends. I kind of want to know what happened with Eli, I was rooting for you. Of course, you're fucked up in the head- majorly- but I'm rooting for you and your happiness. You deserve to have a life you think is worth living.

  76. Hi, Blowfly girl! Hope you're doing well!

    Even though I (just like many others) initially came here for the thrill of reading about sexual fantasies that repulse me, I found that your earlier posts equally saddened and worried me. I was, then, glad to notice that they progressively showed how you've come into your own as a person and (maybe?) managed to find your purpose and/or whatever it is that makes you feel grounded...

    Many of us would love to hear from you again, but if the only reason that drives you to update your blog is a "relapse" in old thought patterns that hurt you, then I'm not at all disappointed that you've moved on :)

    Cheers and have a serene rest of you life,


  77. I really hope you're doing well. It's so interesting reading old blog posts, I will probably never meet you but I know some of your darkest fascinations. I don't know whether your writing is reality or fiction but I suppose it's not my business to know, since the version of you I read about is worlds apart and years in the past from me.

    Thank you for sharing what you wrote. My world has been just so slightly different since I first read it. If you were to post more, I would love to see it, but if not then of course that's alright.

    I hope the person behind this blog, and the persona it is written from, are having a pleasant day/night and are safe and happy.

    1. Same goes for me. Also I honestly am so amazed by the people who come back here after more than a decade of the original story, I have notifications on for this comment section lol
      I hope all the same for you too.

  78. first reaction "wait wtf?" continue to read throught the whole history "you know what, sadly i kinda get it. the feeling of not getting anything togother and even the fascination for a weird philia, although it isn't maggots levels of filthy". btw the fact you managed to get out of the job you didn't like on your own terms to me is a sign that you're doing well, and is even inspiring for me.

  79. and you lost time of your life to come here and write this about a story "nobody cares"?

  80. It's been over two years since the last word, hope you're alright. Especially with COVID, there's gonna be rumors a plenty. Hope you're fine, and probably still getting off with filth.

  81. The real Blowfly Girl. Such a character. Found out about her on YouTube. I personally don't believe the case to be true, but in the event that it was real, I just want to say: when it comes to intimacy, there is a broad spectrum of preferences that can be exercised by any adult as long as they don't constitute a crime, and at the same time, a number of paraphilias can result in particularly risky conducts. Seek professional advice by talking to your primary doctor about the matter and ask him if you'd benefit from being referred to a counselor or a psychiatrist. Admitting to having any dangerous or unstable thoughts or behaviors and seeking help doesn't mean you're less worth as a person, but the exact opposite: you're taking care or yourself because you know you matter.

  82. You'd be 42 years old now. Hope life's treating you well.

  83. wtf

  84. i dont think you should listen to them hate comments and to the comments encouraging the stuffs you do, i hope youre ok

  85. Would love to hear how you've been over the past few years

  86. i truly hope you’re alright.. it would be a shame to lose such an amazing writer. you deserve some peace in your life

  87. welcome 2 2025! i hope ur well blowfly girl. ur updatez were alwayz interesting and looking back itz like a time capsule of the old internet which is pretty cool! this year seemz 2 be a year of throwbackz and i thought abt u ^__^ maybe someday we can get 1 last update

  88. I just wanna know you're okay. I found it two years ago with my friends and we felt disgusted but we just laughed about it and forgot. but since that time smth remind me about you twice a year. I mean in that time we thought that you are just dead now but I still wanna know that you're pretty fine and living your changed life

  89. i hope you're ok girl. ily. you made my life brighter and i want you to be happy. remembering you so often. i once thought of emailing you years ago, but i got skittish. i really hope you're ok. best wishes from close across the sconnie border.
