A few of my old contacts have emailed me asking if I would post the story of my second encounter with maggots. It’s been about two years since it happened and I had written about it the next day on my Multiply page. Unfortunately Multiply deleted that page. I lost the story and everything. I hadn’t kept a copy because I did everything from a computer at work. It’s all gone.
A lot of detail fades over time, but I tried my best to re-write the experience. Once I got started some of it came back to me and I ended up really enjoying it. I’m glad I took the time. Hopefully I haven’t misremembered anything important.
It happened on a Sunday afternoon while I was driving back home from Milwaukee. I can’t remember now whether it was the weekend of Summerfest or Labor Day, but it was one of the two. As I mentioned, the following Monday night I wrote the whole thing out at work and uploaded it to my Multiply page. I even got brave and took some pictures before my hands got too dirty. I uploaded a couple of those to the page too – only the ones that I felt safe showing. Not a lot of me in them…not a lot of my flabby, disgusting, pale body in them, actually. I really wish I had even those few back. Multiply didn’t respond to my email when I asked.
Anyway, I was driving home on some other highway besides I94 because I expected there would probably be a traffic jam after the state line. The weather was hot, humid, and sunny. I wish I remember what road it was, but I don’t anymore. I haven’t been back.
I noticed a smell. A really bad smell. I knew it was the smell of something decaying. The smell got stronger then faded away as I drove, but it kind of stuck in my nose. It stuck with me enough to get my imagination going, and after a few seconds I made the mental connection between the odor, a dead animal, maggots, and all of a sudden I was looking for a spot to turn the car around. It was a stupid thing to do, I knew, but I didn’t have anything specific in mind. Just the idea that there might be something putrid and interesting to see.
I remember stopping on the shoulder of the highway at the point where the odor seemed strongest and felt kind of disappointed in myself. I’d been a good girl for a long time, ever since I recovered from my dumpster “adventure” with maggots that put me in the hospital, but now I was not feeling very much like a good girl.
But my imagination was getting ahead of me. At that point I still didn’t know where the rotting smell was coming from. There was a ditch and a grass embankment along either side of the highway, a few patches of trees, and cornfields. I knew from how strong the odor was that it had to be something nearby, but as I got out of my car I wondered how I would find it. I was clever enough to notice the direction of the warm breeze, so knew I needed to be on the other side of the highway.
I remember I was wearing a white hippie-like sundress with yellow and pink flowers on it, and a pair of sandals. I knew the sandals weren’t ideal for poking around in the tall grass, but I figured I wasn’t going to try too hard anyway. Crossing the highway, I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but I was letting my darker side drag me along, pretending I couldn’t help it. I wanted to convince myself that I was just curious, but I was getting horny just imagining what I might find. I looked all around me as I walked along the shoulder of the highway, trying not to miss anything hidden under bushes and stuff.
For a few minutes, I tried to be sensible and forced myself to just go back to my car and forget about it. I wanted to be good. I really did. I marched myself back across the highway. On the other hand, I thought, well, maybe it wasn’t so bad just to look. Standing by the car, I figured I’d walked away once now, I could do it again. I noticed the canvas bag I left in my back seat which had my beach stuff and my little camera in it. Maybe I could just take some pictures of whatever I found. I grabbed the bag and crossed the highway again to keep looking.
After a few minutes of searching it was pretty obvious to me that the smell wasn’t coming from anything along the embankment. There was only one area left to search, and there I found what I hoped I find…what I was afraid I’d find. At the corner of one of the cornfields there was an old billboard, behind which was a patch of trees and bushes. The trees hid a shaded, kind of secluded area right behind the billboard. Pushing past the bushes I found, lying in the dirt, the decomposing body of a deer. The smell was almost more than I could handle at first but I had to stop and stare. I have no idea whether it was a male or female. Any difference had already been consumed by decay and…maggots. I thought, oh, no.
The fur of the deer and begun to come off in places, especially around the head, revealing the skin underneath which had a greasy-looking texture, mostly black but with splotches of gray, brown, and greenish-gray. The deer’s belly had split open almost the entire length from its chest all the way down between its hind legs. The deer was lying sort of on its side, so that its right legs were sticking up in the air and its left legs were on the ground. I guessed that the deer might have been killed or died, and the farmer just dragged the carcass to a spot where it could rot away.
The open belly of the deer was a huge mass of maggots. There had to be thousands of them, grayish-brown maggots writhing and churning and filling every part of the open belly. Maggots even covered part of the ground on the side the deer leaned toward, probably consuming whatever fluids that were oozing from the body. Little black beetles crawled among the maggots and dozens of flies buzzed around the carcass.
I set my bag down and stood staring at the carcass, completely mesmerized. I felt myself beginning to feel really horny again. This had to be one of the most disgusting, nauseating things I had ever seen. I want this, I thought. I want to be its whore, because I’m a depraved, filthy pig and this is what I deserve. I have no choice. These are the thoughts I’m having while I continue to stand there with my mouth hanging open. My dress is suddenly hiked up and one hand is in my panties.
Stop now, I tell myself, just take some pictures and leave. I want to take some really close pictures of the maggots, but I’m afraid to kneel down because of my dress. Of course I can’t be wearing the dress, I thought, it’ll get dirty…and now I had my excuse to remove it. Within a few moments I had taken all of my clothes off. The sundress and my underwear were draped over the branches of a large bush. I laid my beach blanket on the ground next to the deer. It felt so, so, erotic to me to be nude, outdoors, so near to this nauseating, stinking carcass. Flies landed on my skin. It felt like they were inviting me.
I took a bunch of pictures of the deer and the maggots, some really close up. I took the remote off my camera, set the camera down on one part of the frame of the billboard, and took more pictures that showed some of me in them near the maggots. I even took one where I was touching the maggots with my finger. It felt warm, but I was still really grossed out by it. I hadn’t even seen a maggot since my last experience.
A car went by on the highway. It startled me…but not for very long. I was feeling pretty secure now in my little hiding place with my new friend. The secluded area was almost disturbingly perfect.
Even though I was pretending to be in control of myself, I kind of knew, from the moment I’d found the deer, that I was going to do something stupid.
I stood up and stepped over the carcass with one leg. Staring down into the seething mass of maggots I felt like such a worthless, perverted piece of shit to be aroused by the sight. But I was so aroused. I was soaking wet. There was no way I could control what I did now. I had to feel them again. I needed it.
I squatted down above the carcass, feeling one of the deer’s hind legs against my lower back. Forcing back the urge to gag again, I removed my fingers from my vagina and sank them into the thick mass of maggots in front of me. I could feel the heat below the surface of the mass as they squirmed around my fingers. I stopped for a moment to think about what I was doing, but like an addict, I couldn’t stop myself. I really tried. Sort of.
Naked with a decomposing animal carcass, staring at the writhing, disgusting maggots, I felt like I’d never been so horny in all my life. I lifted my hand out of the maggot mass and held it in front of my face, looking at all of the maggots that clung to my skin. I felt my stomach rising into my throat and barely avoided gagging once again. Instead I slowly brought my hand down between my legs and pressed my maggot-covered fingers between my vaginal lips.
No, no…I whispered to myself, beginning to weep a little. My eyes were tearing up. How could I do this to myself again? I’m not a human being, I thought. I’m lower than a pig. I’m not even an animal. I’m garbage. I’m waste. My heart was pounding and I could feel maggots squirming between my fingers and my pussy and it’s disgusting and it feels so good.
And then I had a sudden realization that I had no idea what kind of maggots these were. They might not eat just dead tissue, like blowfly maggots. The thought made my clit pulse hard against my hand. Oh no, I thought, dropping onto my knees so I was kneeling just above the carcass with my legs spread wide apart. These maggots, they might bite me. They might burrow into me, infest me for real. I felt so much need right then. I scooped up a handful of maggots in my shaking hand and pressed them against, and into, my vagina. I began to orgasm. I felt so good and so disgusting at the same time. I didn’t want to stop so I shoveled another handful of maggots into my vagina, then another, and another.
I plunged my hand back into the maggot mass, deeper this time, grabbing and tugging at the decaying, partially liquefied guts beneath. No longer covered by the maggots, the odor of the decay was so strong it forced me to drop the unidentifiable glob of entrails I held in my hand. But I should have that inside me too, I thought. It’s what I need…what I deserve. I picked the repulsive piece of deer guts back up and pushed it entirely into my vagina, crushing and pushing aside numerous maggots. I was panting now, feeling drunk with arousal. There was no stopping myself now, I knew, as I allowed myself to sink my fat flabby ass down into the carcass, burying my pussy in maggots and decay. I could feel both solid and soft things beneath me along with the constant wriggling of thousands of maggots. I began to hump my pussy against something firm, whatever it was, buried deep under the maggots.
I felt like I was out of my mind, now totally reveling in the horror of what I was doing to myself, grinding my hips and thrusting my infested cunt into the carcass as hard as I could.
Maggots were oozing out of my vagina as I thrashed about. I did my best with shaking hands to cram them back inside. I clutched at anything beneath me, maggots, guts, even some of the little black beetles, anything to pollute myself inside even worse. I kept humping and humping against the carcass, unable to stop even if I’d wanted to.
A new, strong orgasm overcame me, making my head spin. As I climaxed, I let myself slowly fall forward, my tummy coming down to lie on the open belly of the carcass. With my fat ass still humping uncontrollably against the rotting guts, I realized my face was now close to the deer’s head. With my finger, I gently poked at the maggots infesting the deer’s eye socket, watching them writhe as my orgasm faded.
And then I surprised myself. I usually feel really bad after I’ve done something sick and perverse, kind of a mix of defeat, guilt, disgust, disappointment. This time I didn’t. I felt filthy, but still very erotically filthy. I was at the bottom. I’d become the repulsiveness I was getting off on. Reluctantly lifting myself off of the deer carcass, I sat for a few minutes catching my breath, feeling both the exhausted throbbing between my legs and the crawling of the little beasts still clinging to my skin.
I wiped off my hands on my beach towel and picked up the camera remote. I took a couple pictures of myself with my boobs, my belly, my crotch and my thighs completely smeared with disgusting slime, bits of decayed deer guts, and lots of maggots.
I could still feel maggots moving in my vagina, too. As violent as I’d been, I hadn’t killed them all. Infested inside and out, I didn’t want the feeling to go away. Moving as carefully as I could to keep from squeezing anything out of my vagina, I got dressed without removing any of the filth on me.
I drove the rest of the way home with my beach towel covering the driver’s seat. I had my fingers in my panties several times, playing with my clit and feeling the tiny monsters that continued to squirm between my legs. I didn’t cum at all, but I stayed close to it.
Incredibly, I never became sick or had any infection from the experience, maybe because I got in the bathtub and cleaned myself really well as soon as I was home. My sundress, bra, panties, and beach towel all went in the trash. No big loss. What I really miss is the pictures I took.
ReplyDeletehot. lol
ReplyDeleteyes, a very beautiful story..... you are such a piece of garbage... and that's a compliment! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not the one who pestered for a rewrite, but thank you very much! It's even better and longer and more graphic than the original version. Beetles, entrails, poking the eye socket... mmmm so many new disgusting details. Forget the old version folks, this blows it away.
My memory is good but I didn't catch everything either. If it helps, you were coming back from visiting relatives for Labor Day. So if it was an interstate then perhaps it was 294 or 290 if not 94. The "And then I surprised myself" paragraph is different from what I remembered. In the first story, I remembered you said you had a cry after an orgasm, feeling bad about giving in and playing with maggots again. After a few moments of "being psycho", you gathered your things and went on your way. And that you felt much better afterward, like you had come to accept your sexual desires, and that everything will be ok as long as you keep out of the hospital.
Whew! Great job, babe. Best writing since 2004. You write the absolute best erotic stories. Glad you enjoyed it. Don't ever hesitate to write more often.
Babe? She ain’t your babe, kid.
DeleteTrent, stfu and release a new album
DeleteSeems to me that an even deeper urge she has, that of literally become the "filth" that she gets arousal. This was more extreme then the previous adventure, you must go even higher next time to reach greater or even equal enjoyment. Perhaps experiment with auto-erotic asphyxiation or more dangerous maggots the next time you decide to have an adventure. Not only will you personally enjoy it, but your readers will appreciate you even more as a person to take greater risks no one else has dared, to inch ever close to the ecstasy of becoming like the filth, this is why they enjoy your writing so much. Eventually you will progress to take the final step - death, but think of the reward and relief it will bring. You will feel the joy they bring forever as you become fully infested.
ReplyDeleteDont listen to this person they only wat to use you for personal gain. Doing these things is wrong and you know it, youve gotten very lucky to come out fine from them. Please dont do anythig like this again its just not worth it at all.
DeleteYour right
DeleteI think you're a wonderful person, just suffering from guilt, shame and depression. Please, seek good treatment and someone who would care about you. It's never too late to throw you life away like that, and you might find a safer way to live out your fantasies.
ReplyDeleteOh god, I just want to hug and comfort you. I beg you, make a good honest effort to recover.
You write well.
ReplyDeleteReading your stories, I caught myself wanting to feel repulsed, to taste acid in my mouth. Because that's what the normal response is. But I don't. It's certainly not arousal (and if it is, then part of me is going somewhere I don't dare follow), but angling towards fascination. I do recognize - as a sufferer from depression for many years - the tendency to... self harm. Mentally. Physically. It's a nice release. I don't advocate against it. While vaginal infection isn't exactly healthy, but hey, at least it'll do wonders to your head.
Kudos to you for bringing it a new level, mate. Even better, transcend the barrier and write us more stories, please?
I've been waiting for a girl like you. I want to insert those maggots inside of you.
ReplyDeleteyou are disgusting.
DeleteWere you molested as a child?
ReplyDeletethat's none of your business, s i r. surely this gal probably had some severe daddy issues but that doesn't give you the right to simply pretend as if you're invested in her life and question her trauma.
Deletethats what i said..
DeleteWhy do I read shit like this? Can anyone tell me?
ReplyDeleteCuriosity,that's one reason.
DeleteHave you ever had thoughts that you wouldn't or didn't tell anyone about? Or have you ever done anything that you wouldn't tell anyone about or write about?
Reading things gets you experience, without losses and danger. Our mind likes such things.
Deletethis just turned me asexual.
ReplyDeleteMe too, lol
Deletegod same i feel like crying bruh
DeleteAnd this is why people have lost hope for the human race. Vile beings such as yourself should be eradicated. My suggestion to you is suicide. Think of it this way, decent human beings will be rid of you and you can rot just like you've always wanted.
ReplyDeletethis is nothing to what used to be... read a history book. watch a few documentaries... this is NOTHING, maybe a little imagination is all. we are all animals, maybe this is the act of something a little vile but don't judge, just read it, learn from it, and move on.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI read the other maggot story and now this one and now my heart is pounding. It made me cum.
ReplyDeletemrs u picku materinu bolesnice
DeleteYou need Jesus, cause you're on the dark side
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely vile. Any person on this earth that doesn't want to throw up reading this is disgusting. I can't BELIEVE that some of you get aroused by this. You're a worthless piece of shi, and that's NOT a compliment. You need to go to church, or get a treatment, because this is not even close to normal. I'm sorry, but I'm sure none of you even have friends, or at least none who know about this. Damnit. You guys need help, and there is no reason you could possibly argue that would make this seem normal, that any NORMAL person would EVER agree with. Please, seek help.
ReplyDeleteI think she's perfection.
Deletedude, read a history book, and the church argument can go die in a hole
DeleteSomething seriously wrong with people like you.
ReplyDeleteI suppose the best way to respond to this would be by saying I am both concerned for you and completely drawn to you. It is beautifully written, and I know you have a following for reasons that have already been stated...everyone, to some degree, has their 'dark side(s),' everyone experiences feeling shame, guilt, depression, and a sort of euphoria from said feelings...but you dare to go where many do not, risking a lot in the process. I am concerned for your general health, and by the way you express yourself, I know you are not completely lost, which relieves me. I too have dared to act upon paraphilias (not necessarily the same ones, but I needn't specify them as of yet), however I've never shared them with anyone, not even on the internet, in my life. I hope one day I will make an outlet for it.
ReplyDeleteMore, more, and more
ReplyDeleteI am female and I find you inspiring. Want to do the same !!!
DeleteYou are sick you need to go to rehab and stay in a mental
ReplyDeleteThis was really fucking hot, my underwear is so unbelievably krusty. Keep doing what you're doing and post more stories like this. I want to cum like this again. More stories please
ReplyDeletekrusty krab type underwear
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI died for this pathetic race, sigh. You have no control, and thou shall not enter heaven.
ReplyDeleteU'r fake Jesus. Not listen.
DeleteThere is something really compelling about this story. On the one hand, there's a concern for health and safety, and I also feel bad for the deer in a way, but on the other hand, I've had my own version of this same experience. The thought that appears and becomes a hunger, knowing what you're doing is "wrong" and getting excited by it, needing it. The hunt to find the object of your hidden desires, fighting yourself, giving into yourself. Revelling in your own erotic disaster, then lingering in your ecstasy, with that nagging little voice questioning if what you did was wrong. I have been the victim of sexual crimes, but my developed sexuality is my fingerprint, I don't think denying it would be any healthier than indulging it, but I try to do it safely now, and in a productive, healthy way. I wouldn't pretend to know who you are, or where your at in life (by now this was many years ago) but I applaud your bravery, honesty, depravity, and killer story telling skills. It was quite the read, and left me in a mix of arousal and admiration.
ReplyDeletewhat the actual fuck. Why did brendaniel lead me to this. You need to see a psychiatrist. This is not safe, or sane. Can barely call it consensual because you clearly aren't mentally sound enough to make healthy sexual choices. I am one rare to kinkshame, but if you have actually done this to yourself, I urge you to seek professional help.
ReplyDeleteTo each their own! Everyone have fetishes! I actually think its awesome she had the courage to write this.
ReplyDeleteI applaud your courage to act upon your desires, despite how repulsive they may be. Your bravery is something to be admired, although I am concerned for your physical health. I know it's been a long time since this was written, though, and I hope you are doing better.
ReplyDeleteThis is disgusting, but I think that's exactly what draws people in. However strange your story may be, it was interesting to read. It made me a little sick, and far from aroused, but I don't regret reading it. Thank you for sharing your story.
Best of luck to you.
This was so fucking weird and made me gag so many times, but it was arousing too. The touching yourself part is arousing. The maggots squirming around inside you... Nope. I'm going to throw up now, byyye..
ReplyDeletehey sissss... tnx for spilling the tea!!
ReplyDeleteHey like. I know this is the shit that gets you off but if you have another run in like you did the first time it may actually be really dangerous. I think you should see someone for this paraphilia. I know you probably are made even more aroused by the thought of damage to your body but you may end up dying if you're not careful.
ReplyDeleten sus
DeleteWhy did I get a boner reading this
ReplyDeletePorque estás enfermo
DeleteThe physiological issues that are behind something as terrible as this is something I don’t want to get into
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriend showed me this and I'm concerned about what she's into
ReplyDeletebreak up with her. not worth it
Deletei want to barf im literally so worried for you. if you were turning 30 in 2010 then you must be 40 now... imagining a woman as old as my mother having these thoughts makes me so sad.
ReplyDeletei am officially infested
ReplyDeleteThanks for good reading, again! ( :
ReplyDeleteEven more exciting and hot then the previous!
BTW seems like people like and need such kind of reading, hehe. (there is a demand) And you are quite experienced and good at it...
Oddly I am not disturbed or disgusted, I am actually very intrigued. This is something I would never do to myself and yet I fully understand why you did. However please take more precaution next time, you could get seriously hurt!
ReplyDeletei am so sorry.
ReplyDeleteyou’re quite brave for posting this, and i understand fully that it is not your fault you feel this way. you are not a pig, or anything of the sort. i hope you’ve gotten the help you need, and i wish you nothing but the best. i know how it feels — that urge to hurt yourself, no matter how absurd or cruel the method may be. you don’t deserve any of it. my heart goes out to you..