Sunday, August 30, 2009

Maggot Story

Here is my maggot story. The one I didn't lose, anyway. I wrote this about two weeks after my first experience with maggots, about five years ago. I didn't realize people would ask me to repost it so soon! Hope you enjoy it.


Sunday was warm and sunny, just how I always fantasized it would be when I finally went through with it. I stared walking to the dumpster again, I think about 2pm, and I was really excited and nervous. I felt butterflies in my tummy, just anticipating what I was about to do.

The dumpster is in the alley behind a restaurant near my house. It gets emptied on Tuesdays, so by Sunday it's pretty stinky and there are flies buzzing around. Which means there are things rotting inside there and that's just perfect for me. A few times in the past I climbed into that dumpster and masturbated. Nothing too intense. Most I'd ever done was take off my pants and hump against the dirty garbage bags. And one time I laid there with my legs spread, watching the flies land on me.

So anyway, I walked down the alley to the dumpster, and as usual I made sure nobody was around, just to be extra careful. You have to go behind a tall wooden fence to even see the dumpster, and the restaurant is closed on Sunday anyway, so I knew I wouldn't be noticed. But this time there's no way I want to be disturbed. I climbed up and over the side and onto my hands and knees into the mass of plastic garbage bags and other miscellaneous rubbish. The bags felt warm from the sun. The smell in there was extremely foul, much worse than usual, and I knew it was because of my rotting meat. I sat and tried to get myself to relax for a few minutes. There was no reason to hurry. When I was ready, I calmly took off my sandals, my jeans, and my panties. Both pairs. I was wearing two pairs of tight panties with a bunch of my panty liners in the crotch, which keeps anything in my vagina from coming out when I move around. But I was going "all the way" this time, so I went ahead and got completely naked. That was a weird feeling, being totally nude inside the dumpster. It seemed very erotic to me. The sun felt warm on my skin, especially my boobs, which pretty much never see the sun.

I took a pair of rubber kitchen gloves out of my pants pocket and put them on. There was no way I could bring myself to actually touch a maggot with my bare hands. Lying with my back against the side of the dumpster, I fingered my pussy. I was really wet already. I knew I would be. The sensation of the rubber glove against my clit felt unusual, and I kind of liked it. I did that for a little while, just thinking about what I was about to do, while staring at the smaller garbage bag in the far corner of the dumpster where I'd left it yesterday. I still felt the butterflies in my tummy. I kept thinking to myself that I can't wimp out, that I had to go through with this. I wished for a moment that someone else was there to force me to do it, but decided that it was somehow much more sick and depraved to do it to myself willingly. And I thought, yeah, that's me. That's what I want. I deserve this. And so I knew it was time to do it

I got back on my hands and knees and crawled to the other side of the dumpster. I sat down next to my garbage bag, gently picked it up and placed it in front of me. The terrible smell was already stronger. Carefully, I tore the bag open. And there they were. There had to be thousands of maggots, kind of beige-yellow with little black spots on them, all writhing in a large mass. I couldn't even see the rotting meat underneath them. Dozens more maggots clung to the inside of the black plastic, which was coated with a thick light-brown slime. It was such a repulsive sight I thought I was going to throw up right there. But I didn't. I took a few minutes to get control of myself, fingering my clit while staring at the maggots, trying to work up the courage to continue.

I scooped up some of the slime on my gloved finger and brought it to my nose. I knew what it was from the reading I'd done before. It was digestive juices from the maggots, full of bacteria. And it smelled just horrible. I thought to myself, that's what I'm going to smell like. That's the stench that's going to come from my vagina. I want that, I thought, spreading my legs wide apart. I dragged my slimy finger between my pussy lips. My clit felt like a hard little pebble beneath the slime. I didn't want to cum right then, though, and I was still right on the edge of gagging, too. But I knew there was no turning back now, so I let my fingers lightly touch the top of the maggot mass. The maggots felt like nothing I'd experienced before. They seemed to have such energy, totally different from picking up an earthworm or something. And they felt so alive. I was fascinated and nauseated at the same time. Sinking my fingers into the mass, I felt the solid meat beneath. Gently breaking it apart, I could see that the meat had turned gray except for the very center which was still pink, and that the maggots had penetrated into it but not too deeply yet. There was still plenty of food for my filthy little babies. I broke off a small chunk of meat that was covered on one side with maggots and held it for a moment while I fought back another urge to vomit. It was finally time, I thought. I leaned forward, and holding my pussy lips apart with one hand, I gritted my teeth and pushed the maggot-covered chunk of meat into my vagina. And then, totally without expecting it, I had an orgasm. A quick, sharp one that only made me want more.

And more was coming. I broke off another small chunk of meat, along with another part of the maggot mass and pushed it inside me. This one had more maggots on it, and I stopped for a moment to see if I could feel them inside me. I wasn't sure I could, but it didn't matter. I wanted them all. I needed to take them all inside me. With that thought, I went sort of wild. I started pushing bigger chunks of meat and maggots, and even handfuls of just maggots into me, over and over. I was practically hyperventilating, too. I wasn't thinking at all about the noise I must have been making. But now I could definitely feel the maggots squirming inside my vagina. Just the idea of it made me cum again.

Finally, once I had crammed all of the rotten meat, and all of the maggots I could inside me, I felt so filthy, so disgusting, like I'd turned myself into some low, depraved sort of beast. And that made me so incredibly hot, together with the constant movement of the maggots inside me. But it was time to go. Holding my hand over my crotch, I slowly crawled back to my clothes and managed to get dressed again without anything coming out. I put the gloves back into my pocket and climbed out of the dumpster. And right then I could hold back the revulsion of what I'd just done no longer. Holding myself up against the side of the dumpster, I threw up. Ever vomited while you were horny? It's weird.

Walking home down the alley, I felt like I was in a daze. I kept asking myself how I could have done this to myself, but then asking why I'd waited so long. I had to walk slowly to make sure nothing got squeezed out of my vagina, but also to keep from cumming again. I found myself amazed at the whole thing, that I'd stuffed the most intimate part of myself with these things that were too disgusting to even touch without gloves. And that I was totally getting off on it.

Once I was home, I locked myself in my bedroom, took off my clothes, except for my double-panties, and got into bed. I closed my eyes and just let myself feel the maggots squirming inside me. For a while I tried to watch TV, but I could really pay attention to it. The maggots were too wonderfully distracting. I skipped dinner. Later on, when I really had to pee, I did it by taking down my panties and holding my hand over my crotch, wearing the rubber gloves, of course.

The next morning I called off of work after being awake most of the night. I mainly stayed naked in my bed all day masturbating, barely getting up for anything. I wanted to do nothing but let my nauseating little babies grow inside my pussy. Pretty early, though, I realized the smell was getting really horrible. I opened the window. I also wet a bath towel and stuffed it under my bedroom door. I didn't want my parents to get suspicious.

A little later on I realized that I didn't need the panties to hold the maggots and the meat inside me. The mass pretty much stayed in place as long as I laid kind of still. I thought hey, I guess that means I'm infested, which made me cum again. I was always right on the edge of orgasm, and it didn't take much to go over the edge. I also noticed that the maggots seemed to be more active if I kept my legs apart and realized that they probably needed to breathe. So that's how I stayed a lot of the time. I did get up and read my email and posted an update on my web page but I couldn't seem to think clearly enough to write much. Then I had to pee again, but I just didn't want to get up. So I just peed in the bed. It made me cum. I just wanted to keep feeling the maggots moving. And they were. They seemed even stronger, in anything. I was totally in heaven with it. I didn't eat at all, either.

I heard my parents come home from work. During the evening my mom said hello through the door and wondered why I was staying in my room like a hermit. I said I was reading a novel all the way through at once, which I actually do sometimes. She left me alone. I hoped she didn't smell anything. I surfed the Web for a while that night and looked at porn. I came a few more times. I decided to go ahead and take a shit in my bed, right where I was. That just made me more turned on and I ended up smearing some of my shit over my thighs and my pussy and cumming again. I noticed that the maggots started coming out a bit. Maybe they liked the shit. A couple tmes one would creep up on my belly. I'd just flick it back down between my legs.

I was getting tired at that point. It really was time to sleep and my vagina was throbbing and kind of sore from all of the attention. But I was most worried about making sure my maggots could breathe while I was sleeping. Somehow, I managed to find the energy to place a chair on either side of my bed and use sheets to tie my ankles to them. That would keep my legs apart during the night. I pulled the blankets over myself and dozed off lying in my piss and shit.

For the most part I slept through the night, but I kept waking up sweating, with my vagina throbbing worse. I knew I was getting a bad infection from this, but I didn't care. I was not thinking right. I could also feel maggots crawling all over me. I guess I decided I liked that and I'd play with my clit until I came again. I don't know if I realized at the time that I wasn't wearing the rubber gloves anymore. I'd fall back to sleep and wake up again later with little phrases running through my head. Other girls have babies but I give birth to decay and filth, I'd keep thinking to myself. Or I'd say I'm probably ruining my womb and I don't care, I want to be ruined. I know I must have been hallucinating from the infection. I was hoping the maggots had given up on the rotten meat and were eating my vagina instead. My fingers were buried inside my vagina, with my fingertips against part of the meat. Whenever I pressed on it, the maggots would squirm faster and I'd climax again. I could do it over and over and keep cumming.

Finally it was Tuesday morning and sunlight made me wake up. I knew I was really, really sick at that point. I felt weak and dizzy, I knew I had a fever, and now my whole lower belly was sore and throbbing. Despite all that I was still horny and I was still right on the edge of cumming. And then for some reason, all I wanted to do was see my maggots.

I pulled the blankets aside and saw that I really did have maggots crawling all over my body. I was so whacked out I loved it. But I also saw that I had a rash spreading over my tummy and my thighs, and I was soaked with sweat. And then suddenly I needed to see what it looked like between my legs. I sat up a little, picked up the hand mirror I have on the table next to my bed, and held it between my thighs.

My pussy was totally gaped wide open. I'd never seen it like that before. It reminded me of a mouth in a sick, gagging expression. My inner lips were swollen and dark purple, almost black, while my outer lips were cherry red and I was losing a layer of dead skin, like a sunburn. A stream of the light brown slime was oozing from inside my vagina and down my butt crack onto the shitty mattress. Although I could still feel a large mass of maggots and rotten meat inside me, there were maggots everywhere between my legs. Hundreds of them.

And then I saw my fingers on my pussy. They plunged deep into my vagina and dragged out a wad of slime and maggots, which I pressed hard against my clit. I remember having a huge orgasm right then, and I must have passed out. I think I was sobbing too, but I'm not sure.

That's all I remember until I woke up in the hospital.


  1. thank you for showing me something new about myself. i actually found myself aroused by your story. we all have perverse parts of ourselves. And one day we will all find someone who accepts those parts we don't like to talk about.

    1. the people who will accept those things about u are the people who have sick twisted minds like u and this blowfly girl. u need help seriously.

    2. Dear lord, this is the singlemost, disturbing, atrocious, repugnent story I've ever read, one of my classmates (who shall remain nameless) requested I read this, my curiosity overwhemed me. This is surreal I can't believe that this actually happened, and I don't know what's worse, the fact that you posted this on the internet, or the fact that the commentors here accept your story. I am not here to offened, although this story has disrespected yourself as a human so there is no further need to insult you. I plee you get help, this is far from normal, say for instance, there's normality, then there's the weirdo's; let's say normality is 100%, the weirdos are at 91%, then we have our average mongaloid, or in a less derogatory term, mentally ill person. Let's rate them 70%, now we have our phycopaths, killers, rapists ect. At 30% a pretty big jump, then we have our dictators and communist leaders at 0%, but where do you fall on that scale? Well, if you take 0%, travel down 60 feet of shit, then you reach the low life scum on our planet we don't even know exsist, travel down to the center of the earth, go straight through the core, and exit our of the oposite side of earth, like China, where they eat dogs. Now, your scale is deep within the negatives, you went through the world, and now you're passing through the atmosphere, you're out in space now, traveling to the farthest end of space there could possibly be. So please get some help and come back down to earth. :3

    3. How is this worse than killing millions of people? How can you say this person is worse even than a murderer or a rapist? She isn't hurting anyone but herself... While I agree that she needs help I think you allowed your personal revulsion to skew your perception.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. @Raul, Your religion is not a viable argument for anything being wrong. Please don't lecture anyone using your imagination. Come up with a real argument.

      If you're too lazy to type out "you" then you have no right to criticize people. I personally don't get off on anything like this but people should be able to have whatever fetishes they want without criticism.

      Thousands of years of evolution happened to create us, a bunch of either beautiful, amazing, different people. Those who choose to be willfully ignorant are, sadly, what we have to deal with no matter what. I hope everyone on here who haas been insulted in any way for whatever they happen to enjoy learned to ignore people faster than i have. I obviously wouldn't be making this comment if I wasn't vexed by people in general...

      In layman's terms: Fucking grow up people.

    6. To Raul..U start with Dear Lord..Don't Judge dear Christian!!!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. A video or even just snapshots would have made this story more believable

    9. Someone's trying to use math to justify claiming that their negative emotions are the only truth XD

      Some people love to feel negative emotions. It's liberating to accept the dark part of yourself. Just don't let it consume you.

    10. To vincente: u know that we aren't the only animals that fuck dead things right? Also pretty hot story

  2. waiting for pics for a whole year)

    1. Wtf whyyy, I can get this is a fetish but she talks about her pussy lips being purple af and swollen, with maggots squirming outta them!! If this was a fantasy it would be a disturbing one but I don't judge, for ya see I do pretty fucked up shit all the time: but this is reality and that's just ill mined. Please I want you to be healthy so get regular check ups with a licensed doctor, maybe even a psychiatrist so you don't do this again-I'm really being sincere

  3. This is the first thing I encountered on the internet that got me off. First thing I ever saved, also. So I greatly appreciate it. :]

  4. that's the weirdest i ever read. and i totally freak out... are you okey already? (are you still alive?)

  5. wow, a friend link me this, and... just wow, its really weird and perverse and all (in a good way) but i just couldnt stop reading, didnt get me off or anything, just really intriguing

  6. Is this a true story !?!?!?!?!? If it is i feel sorry for you.

  7. I feel grossed out, and that's coming from someone who laughed at 2 girls 1 cup. Congrats, you twisted girl

  8. wow do u have any pictures of it?? i would like to see some :3

  9. I remember reading the original many years ago. That version was longer and included a conversation with your mother after you had woken up in the hospital.

  10. You inspired us, you made us do things we would normally never do, and it was so exciting.

    Here are some pictures, enjoy ;)

    1. I stumbled on this blog by accident and in all my years....have never known people got off on maggots and filth. I mean, I just don't see how it could turn even alittle bit erotic. Clearly it is dangerous as well so how does a person get aroused ? Trust and believe...u have something in your brain that short circuited and it is NOT NORMAL!!!. Please get scares me that some people replied and liked this and may try it. Normally I am a very liberal person but....I truly didn't know this kind of sex was out there.

    2. Honey, no one is normal. And, I'm talking as a girl who has been in a short term mental facility for attempted suicide, has Neurofibromatosis Type II, wears a tail, and has been pushed to the point of exhaustion by just being alone all the time. And, guess what? I'm only fifteen. If I, a fucked up individual, can read this and find it inspiring that a girl with something a little bit off about her, can come out and tell everyone something that most people wouldn't even think about, then people like you shouldn't be able to judge anything about them! I've been bullied my whole life for a medical condition I've never even told anyone that I have. Even to a point of being cornered in an alley and beaten for having a bit of a slouch and a shaved head from brain surgery!. And yet I'm still too terrified to tell everyone about this.. They didn't know about the brain surgery.. or the mental facility, but if they did I'm sure it would only be worse. So, please, if you dislike something keep it to yourself. Im not trying to be rude and ignorant of other peoples' opinion but It really is inspiring that this girl can tell everyone about her experiences with little hesitation as to what details to throw in.

  11. OMG what a fantastic story! I can't thank you enough for sharing that with us! Wonderful!

    I do wish though that you had included the conversation with the doctors and your parents.

    You are such a marvelous human being! Congratulations! xxoo ;D

    1. Um. This is actually revolting. Why are you congratulating her on shoving maggot covered meat up inside her and then getting a nasty infection?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. how would she be able to respond if she wasn't alive?

  13. This really is the most disgusting and disturbing thing I have ever read.

  14. read this on a private facebook group. wonder if this might go viral...

    1. I'm pretty sure that it went viral. I found out about it on Reddit.

  15. I read about half of that and stopped; never surprises me what kind of sick people there are in the world. Whether the story is true or not it is seriously twisted, and you need your head examined. I feel very sorry for you.

    1. obviously its probably a work of fiction....and YOU have no imagination.

    2. "you need your head examined" = your mind scares me and I want you to get a lobotomy.

      Try to understand why someone would end up doing that. When she mentioned having recurring nightmares about being raped by her own family... It seemed like a logical coping mechanism. Like "Oh yeah, you want to turn me filthy, well, bring it on!!! I can take it all in! FU!" Inspiring in some heart breaking way.

  16. This is truly disgusting and you don't just need medical help for your infections, but medicine for your mental well being. Examine your brain fully because it isn't functioning right to be pleasured by insects that feed on rotting meat while you enjoy it inside of you. Please re-evaluate yourself, you're doing it all for pleasure. Think about it. What's the purpose of your existence? More humans out there are more valuable than you because they actually use their brain to educate others and advance technology as we move forward as a civilization. You may as well rot there and end yourself, useless being.

    1. do know that everything that people write on blogs is NOT always true right ?

    2. Dude..simmer down. Do you react this way to horror films or the sick brand of comedy now on display in our theaters? It fiction for the rest of us.

    3., Isabel, I would like to direct you to a channel on YouTube that discusses like.....all the fucking things wrong with that statement. It’s called “lord bung”.

    4. You realize that saying this will problaby just turn her on right?

  17. Lol well by no means did this arouse me or get me off....but I was absolutely fucking repulsed...and I really liked that ! ;)

    1. As wrong and evil and depraved as you sound... this reaction is actually much kinder than someone trying to change what they don't like in others by emotional and physical violence, in the name of good and righteousness.

  18. I know I am a bad person for saying this, but I lol'd. I lol'd very hard. XD

  19. Fucking-A Bravo! Very well if you've done this in your mind. You took my mind to this depraved reality for a few moments where I relished in the discomfort of awkwardness. I am back now to leave you this comment. More please?

  20. i sure hope this is fiction :S

    i was nauseated there for a minute.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Wow! That was amazing! I came buckets!

  23. This was definitely a weird story, although interesting in it's own way. I hope that you're alright now. I'm a bit grossed out by it, to be honest, but to each their own I guess...

  24. Jeebus! Followed a link from terminal lance. Wish I hadn't. Too wierd for me! Although, strangely, I read it to the end, and then commented on it. Hmm.

  25. I...I don't want to live on this earth any longer.

    1. May I suggest suicide by worms and rotten meat? She seemed to enjoy it.

  26. You're going to kill yourself... It's very disgusting that your putting maggots in your vagina...

    1. I might actually prefer to have healthy worms than dicks with diseases. Google some picture of aids. The damage she did was probably not permanent, not the way herpes is.

  27. Those Maggots get laid more than me :(

    1. OH MY LORD, this is by far the best comment made on this page.
      Nobody can make me laugh out loud, but you sir.. ;)
      You did it.
      Haha, but hey... If maggots can get laid that much, then there is hope for you yet. ;)

      @OP thanks for the story by the way.
      I don't find the topic arousing, and I would never consider doing this myself... But knowing you were able to pleasure yourself to the fullest extent before you died... That is, and brings me joy.
      Too many people worried about dying to actually live.
      This is an inspiration to all of us who have something we want to do with our lives, but are too scared to.
      Sexual or not.

      To all you hitler posters, saying people who accept others that don't follow social norms are sick...
      I'm glad you're able to find meaning and happiness in your average lives.
      I'm glad you don't have something about you that sickens other people... Because living without acceptance is really hard, and shallow people such as yourselves likely wouldn't be able to live with the pain.

    2. Oh but umm...
      Do be careful.
      As much as I support doing what you want before you die...
      If you have other things you plan on doing before then.. Don't throw it all away for one experience.
      Be careful.

    3. Thank you for sharing, it made me laugh so hard! Sorry, I felt something similar when seeing "people of walmart" with more friends then me, so I laughed at myself too.

    4. This has opened my eyes as well...although by searching for the truth seems like a roadblock for me.

      At this point in life I'm 100% searching for a truth or purpose is becoming more of a waste of time and I should just end it. It's probably about a hood time time to do it. Going into 2019 without purpose and no one in my life is "lifeless"..

      Perhaps somebody can show me the way..

      Eh, whatever. This isn't about me.

  28. Why. Just. WHY. I'm pretty sure my eyes are bleeding because I've read this. To add on to that, you've now made me have a life-long fear of maggots and flies. Thank you. I'm never leaving the house again due to the fact that there are maggots/flies and people like you.

    1. Boo hoo!
      Then don't. You won't be missed.

    2. Actually before reading this I found some mini centipedes in my bathroom. I ended up with the phobia of having them on my toilet paper and shoving some in me by accident. I guess the universe made me read that story. I thought "Meh, I'll live even if it's the worst case scenario" and it calmed down my phobia XD Having a few worms in my carpet is nothing compared to this.

  29. Hate to piss on your parade but a minor scientific fact: Maggots do not spontaneously appear. For them to multiply inside you then the fist ones would have had to complete their life cycle and become.....what's the word?...flies ! That's the one. This takes time. Considering how many girls die every year from the effects of an infection a a result of using tampons - which they change several times a day yet are still killed by infection. I'd say that you either have the constitution of a dung beetle or your simply a silly fantasist.

    1. They had meat to feast on, they likely grew in size inside of her, not amount.
      And they need not multiply in order to find their way out of her vagina and all over her.
      Don't try and be smart.
      You're not good at it.

  30. one of the funniest things ive read in a long time..the rubber gloves schtik was just icing on the cake.

  31. This is no words, hope this is fake.

  32. Just one question. How did you come to the conclusion that this stuff turns you on?

  33. I'm almost positive he's just making fun of Blowfly girl... lol

  34. Blowflygirl that's the horniest thing I've ever read. I must be as sick as you. I can actually imagine myself doing this.

  35. Is this a literal story or some kind of metaphor in a complex social commentary?

  36. I'm assuming your parents are the ones that took you to the hospital. I'm curious, how did they react? I heard your first post included the talk with your mother afterward & I'd love to hear about it.

  37. ...A part of me just died. And I do belief that this has made my self esteem go up a little. To know that there are people who actually do this. On their on free will. And don't live in a poor country in Africa. I don't think I will ever eat again. Ever.

  38. Well that was an interesting read. Very descriptive but in a disturbing way. If this is true, you my friend are one tough woman. However, if it is true, I would recommend seeing a psychologist or therapist.

  39. @faloofay

    Then shouldn't have an uppercase "T" and it's "your grammar." Not You're grammar.

  40. You should learn to love your pussy more. To me, you sound like you are very sexually frustrated. I know that when i have not have intimacy with another person for a prolonged period of time, i turn to perversions i would never normally consider. If i was in your shoes, i would get myself a mid to larger sized dog, you can love it as a pet but for those times where you really need to get off, you can have the dog fuck you. Larger dogs can have quite large sized dicks and the knot will bring such pleasure to your body, you will weep in pleasure! I think that at the very least, this would help bring the intimacy back to you that you have been missing out on

    1. Dogs aren't filthy enough when your phantasm is maggots. Either way it's kinda bestiality so you can't judge her.

  41. I'm usually a fan of of gross shit - but this is by far the worse I have ever read. Part of me is hoping that this is a disturbed piece of fiction!

    1. The other part is hoping it's real?

    2. Unfortunately the story is Indeed real.Justin Whang(Youtuber) confirmed it.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. You are sick, and I mean that in the most literal sense. You need help. This is not healthy. I understand that you are not hurting anybody but yourself. Which is why I do not feel you are a bad person. Just a person with some pretty large issues. I hope you don't end up making yourself so sick that you die. I couldn't possibly know what it's like being you, but I do feel for you. There has to be a better way. And if this is just a ploy or you're a troll I'm ok with that too. I still stand by what I said even if it lands on deaf ears and I get laughed at.

    1. I think that people who cut themselves several times a day to force their brain to make endorphins like addicts are worse.

      She sounds like she had a whole lot of fun. But might not be worth a 3 days coma... so yeah she got sick.

  44. This story was utterly repulsing. I do not know whether I am more disturbed at the story or the fact I read it in its entirety. That being said, I am really concerned for this blowfly girl. Something must have obviously happened in your life to cause you to become aroused by this repulsion. This is made evident by the fact that she herself knew it was wrong, but it felt so right. There is a reason things that smell gross, smell that way. The stink is a way our body registers that it is harmful to us.Ignore these can cause serious damage to one's self. As a psych major I really hope you get the help you need, to identify the source of your problem. This is extremely disturbing. Different sexual preference is one thing, but this is out of normalcy in any sense. This is lumped together with necrophilia, pedophilia, and the sexual preference of inanimate objects. At best I hope this is some troll of some sort, or some type of odd-dark-humor. If not then get help, cause fucking the dead is no way to live,it's actually a way to die.

    1. You read it because you too, like everyone, has morbid curiosity. She's merely freer than you.

      Telling someone to get help is actually psychological violence, it's telling them that they don't have the right to make their own life choices. THAT'S acting like a rapist. Harmful masturbation isn't like raping a child. How mean of you. Sure worms are gross, but don't put everything that you dislike in the same criminal basket.

  45. My 10 year old cousin read this story in front of his mother while he was eating.
    He didn't have any problems with the maggots or anything, he just didn't like saying the words vagina, pussy, clit, boobs, and stuff.
    He's a doll though

  46. Strange work of art. Thank you.

    Also if it's a true story... that's gross :P

  47. Well alrighty. Orgasms are great huh?....probably would've removed the meat though..... you might wanna see a psychologist.

    1. Apparently she did before doing this, psychiatry makes people even crazier and their drugs causes brain damage. At best they were unhelpful.

  48. This disturbs me greatly... not because of how disgusting the act itself is, because people can't help what gets them off and if they aren't hurting anyone, it's all perfectly fine... but that being said, this particular fetish IS hurting someone. She's hurting herself. The implications of a deep, profoundly unhealthy level of self-loathing mentioned throughout her stories is not subtle. If this were just some person who had masochistic, scatological or other similar fantasies, that'd be one thing, but this isn't just about degradation in a sexual context, this is just full-on degradation. I really, really hope that she can get the help she needs. I think she knows how fucked up this is but is too depressed to care. That really breaks my heart.

    1. I agree, if she feels filthy from rape and feels unable to feel clean again... making herself filthier by free will to dilute the unwanted abuse... it's heart breaking indeed. I read a girl say that she agreed to have sex with anybody after a rape, because if she just surrenders, then it's not rape...

      People are outraged by what she chose to do to herself, but not by men objectifying, assaulting and raping women everyday... as if it was normal... Having sex is normal, raping makes people assholes. Well, I guess the worms didn't give their consent...

  49. It's more likely than you think.

  50. She just took erotic perversion to a whole new level. All of us can fantasize n have perverse fantasies but to actually act it out is very sickening. How can you destroy your poor body like that. That's very sad, your entire vagina must be rotten down there by now. N Raul Chinese people might eat dogs cats whatever because they say it's healthy but what's her excuse for putting rotten mean n maggots up her vagina??

  51. Brings a new meaning to give the dog a bone

  52. I'd like to start off by saying that I am one of the most tolerant people you will ever find. I believe what happens in your own sex life is your own business as long as you don't hurt yourself or someone else beyond the respected levels of a consensual Sadomasochistic relationship (e.g, nothing that will harm you permanently. Just in case people reading this don't understand, a person who is a sexual sadist that operates without any psychosis or murder fantasies will hurt you but will never harm you. Piercing and whipping doesn't kill people unless under a set of very extreme conditions. But this story is truly repulsing. Not because of what she did, which i personally find nauseating, but because this could have killed her. It was a desperate cry for help. The fact that she was turned on by the prospect of giving birth to Decay and Filth alone is enough to clue anyone in to that. No one should be encouraging this sort of self-depreciation. Forensic Psychologists know cannibalism to be the last desperate gasp of someone trying to dominate their victims. This is a desperate act of someone who hates themselves and their sexuality so juch that they want to literally rot it out.
    Ted Bundy once said that he started his 'career' because of fantasies. He thought on a fantasy so hard and long, polishing the rough edges until it became as real to him as everyday life because he had no one to talk to about what he was thinking, internalizing all the anger and hatred into those fantasies until they stopped being fantasy and became a plan. This is clearly applicable to this 'blowfly' situation. This woman became obsessed with this fantasy until it became a plan, never telling anyone how the depression and self-hatred was eating her up. It's heartbreaking. I'm not saying this because I'm intolerant or desperately want an SS uniform but because this is dangerous and someone could get really hurt or even die from this. As I mentioned, I am extremely tolerant. I personally know two siblings who have had sex, and even though they don't do it anymore, they're still the best of friends. The fact that I know this about them didn't really change my friendship with them all that much. It was their business and they are some of the nicest people you'll ever know, saving lives every single day. That being said, I am the most upset with the people encouraging this behavior. Just because someone thinks that this story is sick and wrong, doesn't mean they are Nazis. I believe someone actually mentioned Hitler's speeches when referring someones post. Never one to believe there is such a thing as 'normal', I do think that someone who's proclivities could permanently harm someone beyond repair should see a mental health professional. If anyone is SERIOUSLY attracted to this idea, please see a therapist or talk to someone you trust about these urges. It isn't safe and it IS very disgusting but, beyond that, it's also a desperate cry for help by your subconscious. I truly hope you find the peace and the self esteem to overcome this. Please, I beg you, talk to someone. It could mean the difference between life and death.
    ~Kitty Hazard

    1. Your long winded response to this subject matter leads me to believe that there are two very important facts you have conveniently left out, for I am a master at reading between the lines..

      1. This story strikes very close to home for you, and you definitely are relating it to a shameful secret that you carry around with you like a giant cross every day and the burden is weighing on you heavily; as proof of this need to offer such a lengthy diatribe of advice and relay your deepest empathy to the author.

      2. The "friend" that you mentioned in your post is actually you, and your brother dumped you after he had sex with you because you are extremely boring..

    2. Or it is just belabored fiction and all of this pother is beside the point.

    3. If she was a rape victim, wanting her privates to rot off and become unappealing is a logical survival mechanism. She didn't know that it could kill her, but if someone treated your life as worthless by treating you like a mere sex doll, the mental damage would make it hard to value your own life better. In a way this was very empowering for her. Good if it's therapeutic, but I don't think it'd be wise to unleash it without self control, make it an addicted habit... Our demons mustn't be ignored, but they need a leash.

      The only help that she needs is to realize that she can help herself. I hope that this experience helped her realize that she can do whatever she wants, so she can also refuse to do whatever she doesn't!

  53. I"m from "the streets" and I remember hearing about this right after it happened. This was the work of that sicko Tina Fey, who is now a regular on Sesame Street. Tina Fey, you sick bitch, that was somebodies home you desecrated!

    This was by far the biggesst scandal to hit the street since the infamous '04 episode rehearsal incident (brought to you by the letter "M") in which cellphone hackers were able to obtain grainy footage from Big Birds Iphone, featuring a clearly intoxicated Mr. Hooper caught blue handed, balls deep and pumping away like nobodies business inside of Grovers fuzz hole while simultaneously being anally penetrated with Granny Birds oversized beak as she rode reverse cowgirl on Guy Smileys pan shaped face like a posessed school girl having trouble laying her first egg.. All right in front of those poor kid street dancers from the inner city..

    Tina Fey and her disgusting and upmost disturbing lewd behavior over the years, coupled with her complete disregard for others personal space and property, has hurt more people than 'just herself'. Not only did she give birth to filth on that dark day, but she also birthed hate and discontent to a homeless man, whom subsaquently, already had trust issues to begin with being the victim of multiple hate crimes and sexual assaults.. Episodes like this involving Tina Fey is why Oscar remains in such a grouchy mood.. And who could blame him?

    Fuck you Tina Fey, just fuck you. Before you came around it was all sunny days and everything was a-okay. I hope your vagina gets the professional help it needs before you get seriously hurt again. Like when Cookie Monster cut your face up because he opened his bathroom door and saw what you did with his cookie dough, those cans of rotten cream of chicken, and that batch of agitated africanized bot flies..

    Tina Fey. Fuck you in your maggot infested, slimey brown ass juice.

  54. Here's the rest of the story. The hospital part.

    I'm glad I'm writing all of this down. It'll help me remember. I keep wondering whether all of this will encourage or discourage anybody else from trying it. All I can say about that is to be careful unless you really are trying to kill yourself, which I wasn't.

    Anyway, this is probably the last I'll write about it. I just wanted to finish up what happened after I passed out and eventually woke up in the hospital.

    My immediate impressions were that my mother was there with me, I had an IV in my arm, and I had a huge headache. My mother was obviously relieved that I woke up. She said that I'd been unconscious for three days. Maybe I was in a coma, she wasn't sure. But anyway now it was Friday morning. It took me a little while for my head to clear out and begin to remember why I was there. But when I finally did remember, I realized that my mother must know what I had done to myself. Oh, no.

    I asked her how I got there. She said that she'd found me in my bed and called 911, and then she frowned and turned away from me, bringing her hand up to her mouth. She was really upset. I can just imagine what I must have looked like. I felt really bad for having put her through that, but I didn't know what to say to her except that I was sorry. She asked if anyone had done this to me. I shook my head no. And then she did something I didn't expect. She suddenly seemed relieved and didn't look so upset anymore. And then she kind of zoned out and stared out the windows for a little while. As she was zoning, I began to notice all of the stuff i was hooked up to. I have no idea what it all was, but there seened ti be little electrodes and tubes everywhere on me.

    I was feeling way better later on that day, and my mother and I were communicating again. I'd found out that I was in the ICU because the infection was so bad my kidneys had begun to shut down. I had gotten toxic shock syndrome, which I'd heard of but only in relation to tampons. Apparently that can kill you. I didn't know.

    I got to go home from the hospital a couple days after I woke up. I lost my job. My mother and I agreed that if I'm going to continue living at home, I would have to start seeing the psychiatrist again, at least for a while. My father doesn't know everything that happened. He just knows I got sick. Right now it's October 8th, and I think I'm completely recovered. I even have a new bed.

    I had a lot of time to talk with my mother while I was in the hospital be adn since I've been home. I don't want to go into too much detail about what we've talked about, but I will say I don't have any more secrets between us. She knows everything now. The weird thing is that she seems to understand it all way too well. I'm beginning to wonder about that. Like maybe she's got some secrets too, you know?

    1. Thank you for that, I was really wondering what happened... 3 day coma... that's bad. Her mother sounds like a kind person, but is partly to blame to have left her daughter in her room without eating for days. At best it was an anorexia red flag...

      I rebuild my kidneys by avoiding synthetic additives, worthless foods (grains, corn, soy), and eating a shit ton of greens and some fresh meat, with supplements of mostly vitamin C.

      Everyone has secrets.

  55. What's unfortunate in pretty much all of these comments is a general lack of critique about the story. People say, "I'm grossed out" as if that was an unintended consequence of the story, when the more interesting thing to say would be to note where and where not the grossing out works or not.

    The only comment along these lines happen where people acknowledge the kitschiness about the gloves. The gloves are supposed to make the grossness of the situation that much more vivid, but considering the other forms of (literary) grossness in the story, this contrivance doesn't work well. Neither does the abrupt mention of the parents in the story or, frankly, the resort to piss and shit. The story already has maggots; it doesn't need the other elements.

    Similarly, the people who are screaming, "Get psychological help" about the "degradation" element of the story are completely missing the only authentically interesting "theme" in the story: the (literal, dramatized) experience of feeling like garbage (in the culture we live in).

    It's also something of a testament to the credibility of people that they accept this as non-fiction. It makes the surreality of believing in YHVH much less surreal.

  56. Replies
    1. no this is not why ISIS bombs people. But, nevertheless, very funny comment

  57. @Isobel Haynes Are you insane? She took maggot covered meat and shoved it up inside of her, and then got a horrible infection and ended up in the hospital. How can you possibly stand up for her?

  58. I'm praying that this is fake because holy shit how can someone be so disgusting?
    For real.

    1. I'm sure you'd find her lovely if you met her without knowing. The people you admire most might do worse.

    2. Since you mentioned praying: I think that priests who use the parent's trust in their righteousness to rape children, and the church covering it up to save their reputation and keep their power, is far more disgusting.

  59. @Isobel Haynes
    Hoe do you know this person is finding pleasure in criticizing this girl , you never know , she (just assuming this person is a woman) could actually feel disgusted with herself that she would HAVE to write a comment like this. And I say have in bold because sometimes people need to hear the negative stuff to stop doing the idiotic shit their doing servery hurting themselves. And your attacking the people who are suggesting her to get help (even if it's in a rude way) if anyone here is sick here besides her it's you because you can clearly see (by reading this story) this girl has ALL the screws loose in her head to find pleasure and xhilaration in this ... and this is coming from a 12 year old who found this on an sssniper video so if you can't see this is wrong please going and reevaluate your life 😊

  60. Oops I meant how damn auto-correct

  61. Damn I went severely I really hate auto-correct and that I didn't proof read

  62. Omfg I put went I meant meant damn just if theirs wrong I'm pretty sure you can make an assumption of what a meant

  63. How could you do this to yourself. You know that there are thousands of different kinds of bacteria in the pile of meat you stuffed in your pussy all of which could have killed you. You did all of this for a sexual fetish which is in my mind the most crazy weird thing I've ever heard someone do to themself.

    1. Then find & watch the video BME Pain Olympics Final Round.

      The medical industry kills more people from "side" effects and errors in one year than Hitler did in his entire life, bot at least he didn't claim that it was for the Jew's own good...

      The worst I can think of would be a mother pimping her own baby to old pedophiles in the hope to get some affection and company... For the baby it'd be like trying to shove a melon in a ear.

      I'm very sensitive, when I'll be done freaking out, I'll be stronger as a person. I wish it was the worst that happens to women in the world, but it was self inflicted and enjoyed... so I'm kinda happy for her.

    2. The Pain Olympics video was proved to be fake as the creators came forward so...

  64. I'm a fan of this. Sickly arousing and twisted.

  65. Why??? What causes these desires in you???

    1. Thank you for trying to understand instead to shout insults as a coping mechanism for not liking the truth.

  66. I can fap to this, great erotic writing.

  67. No one has mentioned the fact she stated this as being her first experience with maggots. I'm curious as to the other experiences!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. (edited for typos)

    It actually makes sense if the dreams about being raped by your cousin happened. Some rape victim kill themselves for feeling filthy. Maybe you coped by embracing it.

    But some phantasms would be safer to remain in your mind while masturbating with a good vibrator, if they can kill you from toxic poisoning. Some people are into gold & brown showers, maybe that's safer and far enough.

    But you can do everything you want with your life. Anything that makes you happy, even if it's dying, as long as you don't hurt someone who doesn't want to get hurt.

    My family bullied me then mocked me for becoming insane from their abuse... they called me insane for so much less than what you did... I grinned at the idea of my mother having to face the horror of finding her child in that state... dying from rotten meat inside her, with piss and shit everywhere, and maggots coming out of her privates.

    My mother would have choked on her own screams. She had an obsession for perfection and cleaning, the house looked like a sterile catalogue instead of a home, she made my life miserable. The smallest mistake was used as an excuse to vent her frustrations on me, becoming neurotically scared to be imperfect made me too annoying to be employable, and I ended up crippled from overwork. I almost died before figuring out that I have the right to treat myself better than how I've been treated, without anyone's permission, without even deserving it. If I wanted cares, respect and love, I could simply feel it for myself and act accordingly. Having a messier home feels liberating, but I don't want to cross the line and end up in self destruction.

    I think that you deserve better than what I'd like to do to rapists. Maggots are actually so healthy that they're used in hospitals to clean wounds because they only eat dead flesh. But the toxic rotten meat was going too far, and wouldn't give you squirming sensations anyway.

    I find it silly that you couldn't stand touching the worms with your hands but put them inside of your most intimate part... Maybe this is just a story, but if someone can think it, someone else did it. So maybe you did. I'd rather try to understand first than judge. It's gross but not a crime, I know worse. Rape is far worse because it's showing to a person that they're just an object with a worthless will, it does worse than damage their body, it destroys their very identity and soul.

    If your cousin raped you, he deserves to eat that worm infested rotting flesh.

  70. (2)

    I hope that your family gives you support. Therapists often only judge because it's too hard to understand darkness if we never went through it, like the blind doesn't know what the light looks like no matter how much you explain. The best we can do is try to understand ourselves and take care of our needs, without damaging ourselves trying to get pleasure, otherwise it'd defeat the point.

    The meaning of life is simply to live, because there's nothing more meaningful than life. So you don't need a reason to live, being alive is good enough.

    Just enjoy your life as you wish and take care... Since you washed yourself immediately after the second time, you learn from your mistakes enough to not die, so you'll be okay. Not many people do that. Just beware being naked in public because of all the rapists out there...

    We need vitamin C to handle stress and heal, so if you end up injured or depressed, give yourself a little more of that. I don't know if worms are a good source, they probably have more protein. The insectarium sell bugs to eat, it grosses me out, but what you did isn't as gross as even you thinks. My trash can lid flew away and it got filled with water, so what I ate fermented. It smelled similar to my fermented veggies and kinda smelled delicious. Fermentation increases the amount of vitamins. The gut can handle the acidity and being digested a little along with it, but not the uterus... Bacteria actually keeps your vagina clean by eating mold, antibacterial soap gave me the itchiest infection. So dirt can be good in some ways.

    Maybe create vibrators that feel like a handful of worms someday. I'm sure a lot of people are curious to know how that feels.

    I wish homophobic people against gay marriages could read you, it might give them perspective.

    We're fucked up people in a fucked up world, and the people who look the sanest are either in denial or trying to fool others to cover up crimes and exploit people.

    So thank you for your honesty.

  71. I like that she doesn't objectify a person's body parts to satisfy herself.

  72. I agree that it's disrespectful to her body, but she didn't know and was more careful not to let it linger the next time.

    People die from stupidity all the time. Like a married couple who died doing bungee jumping during their honeymoon.

    Some people lose hope to be able to do self care and all they hope for is to die happy.

  73. Then good came out of her story. I wouldn't fuck someone I don't know even with a full body suit.

  74. Reading about worms in a very literate manner was more pleasant than reading people scream in capital letters and mindlessly recite the bible instead to have their own thoughts.

    She was probably wrong, but at least she did it because she wanted to, not because an 2000 prehistoric book told her to.

  75. At least she writes in proper english so she was more pleasant to read than you in some ways.

    If you think that she's the most disgusting person in the world, then you haven't seen much of it yet~

  76. I'm standing up for free will. I don't approve of it for my own life, but her life isn't my own, and people who can't respect that are worse to me. It haunts me, it traumatized me, but I am grateful that she ripped my mind open. I want to know... the truth about life... and find a way to accept it... so I can make peace with the harm that was done to me... and my own inner demons.

  77. Oh god, cockroaches sounds way worse, especially after reading lots of stories about babies or elderly diapers being infested... and she had a poetic way to write... that made it seem surreal...

  78. Do you really people believed that story? It's obviously a sick sexual fantasy,and nothing more. I'm amazed from some people's mind sometimes. But wait, there's people that believes in god(s), christ & satan, angels & demons, heaven and hell, ghosts & spirits,etc. Oh well...

    1. you're so cool and edgy and atheist, much wow, such originality

  79. this was an interesting read at 2:37 a.m on saturday...thanks!

  80. 100% sure that looking directly into the sun with no eye protection during a solar eclipse would be better than reading this

  81. To the people who applaud this behavior, she was underage when it happened, possibly. I.e. living with her parents. Spending a whole day reading a novel.
    This person is straight fucked. Worse still, the commentors. Yes you. The narcissists who approve this behavior because it's a nice reminder that they're above someone. Simply pathetic. Although, it's good to know narcissists are exactly where they should be. In their pathetic little place ^_^
    Keep on creeping on.

  82. I first read this story three years ago, but it's not as ugly as "julie's slide into depravity", good thing it's just a fiction. google

  83. Even though your story is unique it doesnt matter if people think that this is disgusting because you're doing what you want I hope that in time people will learn not to judge you so harshly if you want to talk to me then go on messenger-charlie Graham my profile picture is a anime girl with black hair

  84. Even though your story is unique it doesnt matter if people think that this is disgusting because you're doing what you want I hope that in time people will learn not to judge you so harshly if you want to talk to me then go on messenger-charlie Graham my profile picture is a anime girl with black hair

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  86. Tbh, her writing is really nothing impressive..

  87. Obviously this is fake to anyone genuinely unsure

  88. I think I'm in love with this girl

  89. By God, if I knew girls with fetishes like this I'd be having my own harem, wow I mean the fact that this actually happened is amazing,to all girls with similar fetishes contact me on my email

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. wowwww....... amazing story m8 but it seems you need help. please call this number 0731-65581 for some help they wil help you with your weired sexuall fetish

  92. what am i doing here.....?

    why did i asked that?

  93. You're sick in the head for even thinking of this. If you actually did it then you need to be institutionalized immediately.

  94. After reading some of the comments, I can see why some people invested in eugenics.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. I mean ... Honestly this just makes me cringe and sqerm ... Its okay to have kinks and be sexually interested in unorthodox things but when it becomes a controling factor in your life that prevents you from doing other things ... Thats when it becomes unhealthy so yeah ... I think that got out of hand and wasn't a good decision

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Eww just imagining is bloody disgusting. You have to get mental care or smt.

  100. Ok um what should I say this is from 2020 and I'd really like to say that this story really scares the fuck out of me so bad that im scared to stick my dick in a girl now. Um i guess best to the author for having the courage to post this.

  101. I just want to know what the doctors said afterwards. What was the aftermath?

  102. urrg. I think it may have been chicken because that would be easier to snap than say beef or pork. Also can I cum in your mouth?

  103. Pretty sure it might be chicken, because pork and beef do not snap off soo easy. I would put bugs in my vagina (if I had one) but I would take them out and clean my pum in the bath after.

    1. actually it is not specified what type of meat it is, she only says that "gently breaking it apart" she was careful not to use too much force. also no mention of bones. I postulate the meat is either beef, or pork steaks or maybe even pork sausages.


  104. I don't know if you even use this anymore but i just want to say that your blowfly blog had a big impact on me, not because of the blowfly or anything but because of how detailed and amazing your writing is, it really turns me on.

    Hope you are well and happy 
